Saturday, 30 August 2014

Not now then when....Tomorrow never comes!

We always wanted to do so many things but we don’t know when to start, or actually we know when to start but our over prolonging attitude makes everything delayed. We always postpone the things by saying that, tomorrow is the better day to start or will do it tomorrow but we forget the simple truth that tomorrow never comes! What you do today will shape your perception of tomorrow. Today is your yesterdays tomorrow.

Take control of your 24 hours if you want to start something. The future is now not tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the product of what you do today. So don’t ignore the importance of today, it’s the best time of yours as it’s with you.

You are already amazing and gifted with enough potential. You will realize this when you start thinking optimistically. Forget about lost opportunities, forget about whatever happened in past. You will never get past again, but you have with you this moment so take this moment and make it glorious.

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